Instagram Basic Display API integration with NodeJS

Bibhuti Poudyal
July 30, 2021
5 minutes min read
This article will demonstrate how Instagram can be integrated with your system. Specifically, it explores a mechanism to show users’ Instagram posts on your app/website. At time of writing this article, instafeed.js provides similar functionality. However, it depends on Heroku’s free service to refresh tokens. After Heroku updated its pricing policy, it kind of became expensive. This approach […]

This article will demonstrate how Instagram can be integrated with your system. Specifically, it explores a mechanism to show users’ Instagram posts on your app/website.

At time of writing this article, instafeed.js provides similar functionality. However, it depends on Heroku’s free service to refresh tokens. After Heroku updated its pricing policy, it kind of became expensive. This approach serves as self-hosted alternative.

Before going further, please head over to Facebook Developers page and go through the overview. It will be easier to grasp concepts further.

Overall process boils down to 4 steps

  1. Create a Facebook app
  2. Get access tokens
  3. Setup token refresh service
  4. Fetch Data

1. Create a Facebook App

Follow step 1 to 3 from this link.

2. Get Access Tokens

Proceeding further requires app specific keys & secrets which can be found here.

App ⇒ Dashboard ⇒ My products ⇒ Instagram Basic Display ⇒ Settings

App ID is required on frontend only; backend requires both ID & secret. Since App secret can’t be shown to users, it’s kept as an environment variable on server.

App ID, secret & Redirect URIs

Also add your frontend application’s URL to Valid OAuth Redirect URIs. localhost with https will work. More better, hosting static app on GitHub pages will do.


Use this piece of code on static frontend site to get Short-lived access token. Short-lived access tokens are valid for 1 hour, but can be exchanged for long-lived tokens(will do later on server side).

Since our goal is to fetch user related info & their Instagram photos, scopes are set to user_profile & user_media.

It will open authorization window on a new tab. After being authorized it will redirect to /insta page(as configured on above code) with a query parameter containing code. That code will be used to fetch short lived access token on backend.

Next, the code & redirect URI are sent to server for further processing.


It’s assumed that backend has an endpoint for receiving code & redirect URI via any HTTP method.

Now, the next step is to get Short-Lived-Access-Token. The code is self-explanatory.

JSON based POST won’t work. So form based request is sent via request.

After Short-Lived-Access-Token is obtained, it needs to be exchanged with Long-Lived-Access-Token.

As mentioned earlier, short-lived token has 1 hour validity. Similarly long-lived token has 60 days validity. i.e. the token just stored on DB needs to be refreshed before it expires.

3. Setup Token Refresh Service

To refresh token every 60 days, a cron job seems suitable. node-cron will serve best for this purpose.

Inside instaRefresh.cron file, it gets old token from DB and replaces it with new one.

Hence, this cron job will automatically refresh access tokens.

4. Fetch data

Finally, its time to fetch data from Instagram. We will be making use of the accessToken stored on DB. To learn more on what kinds of data can be fetched, visit this page.

Access tokens are app-scoped (unique to the app and user pair)

Here, we will be fetching media uploaded by user. Then Filter it and obtain images only.

Platform Rate Limits

Instagram API has limit on number of API calls. More details can be found here .

One way around this issue is to cache API responses. For this particular scenario, the image URLs can be saved to database every, lets say, every 3 hours; using cron-jobs.

Instead of calling Instagram API directly, images can be served from DB; as a cache. However, this particular case may not be feasible for every use case.

I hope this guide will help to integrate Instagram Basic API on NodeJS based application. If you have more robust alternative, please mention on the comments below.

Thanks for reading 🙂
